Liminal Spaces

  I’ve been thinking about liminal spaces a lot lately. It’s an incredibly intriguing concept: a liminal space is essentially a transitional space. Think of it as a waiting area – you land here to cross over to another point in space/time. ’Liminality’ comes from the Latin word ‘līmen,’ meaning “a threshold and is the […]

In Pursuit of Meaning

i. Twenty-four has taught me that happiness isn’t the highest aim of life or even a consistent phenomenon. As I look back, I’ve always yearned to get to the ideal mental destination, where I’m at peace with things, but that destination is an illusion. I’ve come across countless people, songs, books, films, experiences, dreams, cultures, […]

Lost and Found

Have you ever felt spellbound by the beauty of a simple moment? When you’re gazing skyward and you feel like your heart is drenched in the light of the sun, and your thoughts for once aren’t swinging all over the place. You’re aligned with timelessness and are just being a humble observer. Some places do […]

September Blues

psithurism (noun) A word with Ancient Greek origins, psithurism is defined as the rustling whispers of the trees in a windy day, or the melodic swooshes from the leaves on the ground.  etymology: psithuros = whispering    2:19 A.M i. I keep running into you, In the middle of your favorite song, And in the tattered notes I […]