Savoring Studio Ghibli

It always makes me hungry whenever I see someone eat or cook in a Ghibli film. The way food is depicted is nothing short of breathtaking. For me, it’s the little details and touches of everyday life brought to life with such beauty and poignancy. The food in these films is not just a prop […]

Tea for Two

My grandma practically raised me. She was my childhood filled with warm summer days at home. She was there for my first words, first steps, first days of school, first heartbreak, the first day of work, and first everything for all the 27 years of my life. She was my safe place, favorite person, wisest […]


  I’ve been going through some teachings of J. Krishnamurti and these are a few things I deeply connected with. Here’s what stayed with me: Your life is in this present moment. I see myself, and everyone around me either dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. And I’m not saying there’s anything […]

Liminal Spaces

  I’ve been thinking about liminal spaces a lot lately. It’s an incredibly intriguing concept: a liminal space is essentially a transitional space. Think of it as a waiting area – you land here to cross over to another point in space/time. ’Liminality’ comes from the Latin word ‘līmen,’ meaning “a threshold and is the […]

In Pursuit of Meaning

i. Twenty-four has taught me that happiness isn’t the highest aim of life or even a consistent phenomenon. As I look back, I’ve always yearned to get to the ideal mental destination, where I’m at peace with things, but that destination is an illusion. I’ve come across countless people, songs, books, films, experiences, dreams, cultures, […]